2021 Canada was awarded a penalty kick, Jessie Fleming converted it and a sense of doom fell over the ineffectual U.S. Walter Shapiro, The New Republic, 16 Aug. 2021 Intimations of doom appear to be as large a part of the Democratic credo as the belief in health care for everyone and the commitment to diversity. 2021 For many young people, the feeling that governments have betrayed them fuels a sense of doom, according to Caroline Hickman, lead author of a study into how 16-to-25-year-olds feel about the response to climate change. Matt Canham, The Salt Lake Tribune, 12 Sep.
2021 That tightening in your chest, that feeling of doom, that desire to protect your loved ones - that’s all normal, and it was felt widely. 2021 Two other celebrated money managers who made billions calling the subprime meltdown joined the chorus of doom. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Unfortunately, the prophets of doom have the facts on their side.